About Us
Mission Statement
Providing administrative, financial and operational assistance to member agencies for a coordinated, fully integrated fire based pre-hospital emergency medical and dispatch services for the Western Slope of El Dorado County.

Organizational Values
We Believe:
• Every individual, regardless of nationality, race, creed, religion, sex, or status has intrinsic value and should be treated with dignity and respect
• Each professional encounter should reflect courtesy, compassion, and concern
• Each patient should receive the highest quality service possible based on accepted prehospital standards
• We must refrain from behaviors which impair our professional judgment or our ability to practice competently
• Patient confidentiality and privacy should be preserved and respected at all times
• Meeting the needs of the public and other customers should always be our first priority
• Each of us has a responsibility to contribute toward an improved community
We Believe:
• Prehospital care is both a science and an art
• We should support collaboration with other health care team members to meet the needs of our patients
• We should promote public education to prevent illness and injury and encourage appropriate system use
• We are accountable to our patients, as well as to our colleagues and peers for our professional practice
• Monitoring and evaluating the services we provide is our responsibility and is necessary to continuously improve
• We should pursue professional growth and development through continuing education, participation in professional organizations, and support of pre-hospital research
• In a situation where there may be a conflict of interest, our ultimate obligation is to the public we serve.
We Believe:
• We should promote a supportive professional environment, which is guided by responsibe stewardship
• We should actively encourage collaborative decision-making by those who are closest to the situation
• We should be sensitive to others and offer support, praise, and recognition to encourage both professional and personal development
• We should possess both an energy level and personal style that empowers and inspires enthusiasm in others
• Suggestion and criticisms should be perceived as a challenge for improvement and innovation.
• Equity and fairness should be reflected in all our policies and procedures.